Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a very special massage technique developed by Dr. Vodder in the 1930’s. It is a massage that starts from the lymph nodes of the neck, then involving a particular area affected by edema. In general, the massage never involves the whole body, but only a particular section, in fact the massage takes time, being by its nature very light and slow.

The indications are manifold, first of all for the elective treatment of lymphedema, together with  compression bandaging, but also treatment of edemas of venous origin, in the case of poorly healing ulcers, post-operation in order to optimise the healing process of wounds, in cases of post-plaster cast algodystrophy etc.

Moreover, it is also very helpful in the treatment of acne, chronic diseases, upper respiratory tract infections (sinusitis for example), outside of the acute episodes. In particular, it should not be used when the patient is undergoing antibiotic treatment.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is very light and above all it does not generate pain or lead to reddening of the skin, so it does not cause bruising or pain of any kind. It is even indicated in the treatment of post-autotransplantation of lymph nodes due to its delicacy and precision.

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